Designing a Probability List

This guide will walk you through the process of creating and customizing Probability Lists using the RNGNeeds plugin.

Adding and Removing Items

To add items to your Probability List, simply click the "Add" button. Each entry you add represents an item along with its associated probability. If you need to remove an item, click the "X" button next to the corresponding entry.

Adding Items

When you add or remove items, the system automatically recalculates their probabilities proportionally to maintain the original ratios. When you add an item through the inspector, it receives a share of the total probability equal to 1 / number of items. This rule also applies when you add an item via code without specifying the probability.

Adding / Removing Items in code

// Manually add ProbabilityItems
myProbabilityList.AddItem(new ProbabilityItem<string>("One", .5f));
myProbabilityList.AddItem(new ProbabilityItem<string>("Two", .1f));

// Alternatively, let ProbabilityItems be created automatically
myProbabilityList.AddItem("One", .5f);
myProbabilityList.AddItem("Two", .1f);
myProbabilityList.AddItem("Three", .3f);

// If you don't specify a probability, the list will be normalized automatically
// to ensure the new item gets some share of the total probability

// AddItem method and overloads return the newly created ProbabilityItem
var newItem = myProbabilityList.AddItem("Five");
newItem.Value = "New Value";
newItem.BaseProbability = 0.2f;
newItem.Enabled = false;
// etc.

// Removing items

Assigning Values to Items

Values in a ProbabilityList function similarly to those in a standard generic List. When working with value types, you can directly set the values within the entry according to their respective type.

For reference types that are Unity objects (such as MonoBehaviours or ScriptableObjects), you can drag and drop the object into the object field of the entry.

Assigning Objects

If you're working with custom types, their contents will be displayed directly in the entry. You can expand or collapse them using the foldout arrow.

Assigning Custom Types

Assigning values in code

myProbabilityList.GetProbabilityItem(1).Value = "New Value";

Setting Item Properties

To adjust probabilities for items in your Probability List, you can interact with the stripe by dragging the edges of the blocks or the blocks themselves.

Adding Items

The enabled state of an item can be toggled by clicking on the switch located on the left side of the entry.

If you want to prevent an item from changing its probability (e.g., during normalization), you can lock its probability by clicking on the colored square next to the percentage value.

Setting Item Properties in code

myProbabilityList.SetItemEnabled(1, false);
myProbabilityList.SetItemLocked(2, true);
myProbabilityList.SetItemBaseProbability(0, .3f);   // will normalize the list after change

Pick Counts

The Pick Counts feature allows you to control the number of items picked from the list in a single selection process. By default, the selection will pick one value from the list. If you need to select multiple values, or a random range of values, you can customize the settings in the PICK section of the drawer.

Pick Counts

By default, the minimum and maximum pick counts are linked, meaning the pick count is fixed at a specific value. To unlink the minimum and maximum pick counts, click on the link icon between the input fields. Once unlinked, you can set the minimum and maximum pick counts independently. The pick count will then be a random number between the specified minimum and maximum values.

You can also use the Curve field to bias the random pick count. By adjusting the curve, you can influence the probability distribution of the pick counts. Using custom pick counts and the curve feature adds an extra layer of control and variability to your RNG needs. It allows you to create more dynamic and diverse gameplay experiences by influencing how many items are selected in each pick.

Setting Pick Counts in code

// Setting a random pick count range between 2 and 5
myProbabilityList.LinkPickCounts = false;
myProbabilityList.PickCountMin = 2;
myProbabilityList.PickCountMax = 5;
myProbabilityList.PickCountCurve = myCustomCurve;

// From this point, the selection will pick 2 values
myProbabilityList.LinkPickCounts = true;

Customizing the List

If you wish to further customize your Probability List, including adding custom information and colors, you can do so by implementing the special interfaces IProbabilityItemInfoProvider and IProbabilityItemColorProvider in your custom class. For more details on how to customize your list, refer to the Customizing Lists page in our documentation.

With these guidelines, you're now ready to start designing your Probability Lists with RNGNeeds. Unleash your creativity and leverage the power of probability distribution in your game mechanics!